NASA sees potential in Immersive Visualisation

The NASA Commitee for Education & Public Outreach is holding a presentation at NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center. Speakers are David McConville, together with Dr. Carter Emmart (Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History, New York) and Joel Halvorson about collaborations between media artists, scientists, and educators to use visualization tools (especially within dome theaters) for encouraging big picture thinking. Ever wanted to know, how Cingo Studios might help you with concept and visualization? Watch the webcast and you will get some ideas.

Absorbing the Big Picture: Immersion and Interactivity in Science Education
Rapid advancements in communication technologies are enabling unprecedented opportunities for science outreach and education. High-speed networks, video game engines, scientific visualization toolkits, geospatial viewers, innovative input devices, and immersive digital displays are increasingly at the disposal of both formal and informal education specialists. However, new technologies too often provide little more than temporary novelty if they're not thoughtfully integrated with other pedagogical elements to create meaningful and compelling experiences.

In this lecture/presentation, David McConville will illustrate the ways in which new interactive technologies and spatially immersive displays can be utilized to more fully engage students and the public in the science education process. Applying findings from cognitive psychology, gaming theory, and experiential education research, he will demonstrate how new collaborative and socially-oriented visualization tools have the potential to enable more intuitive and self-directed learning for students, scientists, policy makers, and the public.

About The Speaker
David McConville is a media artist and researcher focused on the development of the most compelling uses of immersive virtual environment displays. He is the co-founder and Director of Noospheric Research of The Elumenati, a full service design and engineering firm specializing in the development and deployment of immersive visualization experiences. The Elumenati provides systems integration, real-time software design, immersive content research, custom fabrication, and optical engineering for broad range of clientele. David holds a BSc in Music and Audio Engineering from the University of North Carolina Asheville, and he is currently a PhD candidate through the Planetary Collegium at the University of Plymouth.

Off Site Access Watch this presenation here. NOTE: You will need to have Microsoft MediaPlayer installed to view this presentation.

Download the presentation as a PDF for free:
"Absorbing the Big Picture: Immersion and Interactivity in Science Education" (44.6 MB)
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