Here are some of our specialised partners we work with, which equipment we use or can recommend:
International Planetarium Society Inc.
International Laser Display Association
Star Projector Systems
RSA Cosmos - Manufacturer of Cosmodysée III optical star-projector for mobile domes
Digitalis Education Solutions Inc. - Portable and affordable digital projector
Ohira Giken Co. Ltd. - Japanese Manufacturer owned by Takayuki Ohira. Producer of the Sega „Home Star“ and „MegaStar“ (5,6 Mio. Stars)
Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH - Fibre optic high-tech star projectors
Evans & Sutherland - Digital projection systems
Control Systems
Dataton - Develops tools for audiovisual media controlling
Astro-tec Manufacturing Inc. - Planetarium dome construction and painting
Videos and Panoramas
SkySkan - Digital Theatre Systems - Distributor of photographic all-skies
Sydec Audio Engineering - Producer of hard disc recording soft-/hardware "Soundscape"
Laser Shows
Audio Visual Imagineering - Laser Shows with their OmniStar full-dome laser system
International Laser Display Association (ILDA)
First Light Laser Productions
Apple QuickTime 7 Player Plug-In - Decoder for H.264 encoded MPEG 4 clips (Windows and Macintosh only)

If you have any questions regarding the above links, please feel free to contact us. Simply click the contact button at the bottom and fill out the contact form.
We are not liable for the content on other websites. We only give a direction, what might interest you.